Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pawnee National Grasslands

A couple of Sundays ago, Rich, Chloe, and I went for a drive; Rich wanted to see Pawnee National Grasslands. Well, it was miles and miles of flat, and no houses for as far as you could see (and that was pretty far) in any direction.

We finally saw a small sign for it and turned onto a dirt road, where we drove for miles and miles more of flat- though along this route we saw the weird sight of leaning power lines... the only explanation we could come up with was that they are being replaced by the straight up ones. Who knows? But it was very startling.

We also saw three missile stations- I guess that is a good place for them, way out in the middle of nowhere.

At some point we saw a sign that said: Pawnee Buttes. Rich told me buttes are small rock formations, kind of like mesas, but smaller. I don't even know how far we drove before we saw them... a LONG way, according to Chloe!

FINALLY we saw them, and it was well worth the drive. Turns out there are some nice hiking trails there, which we weren't prepared for, but we are planning to go back.

While Rich checked the grass for birds' nests, I took the opportunity to take some close up photos of little flowers, and of course a bunch of the buttes.

Colorado is a very beautiful state.


Calicojoan said...

Hey Christa

Up until just a couple of years ago, some good friends of ours hosted week long covered wagon trips thru the Pawnee Grasslands. They did it up big with teams of horse and wagons. Their favorite one was the wagon that carried the inflatable swimming pool. A must I heard to deal with the summer heat. It was all very authentic other than that though. They dressed the part and had entertainment every night in camp. They just loved it. I never went, but it was because I heard about the rattlesnakes, and I whimped out! I hate snakes and freak out when I see one! :-)

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