Saturday, March 28, 2009

We have SNOW!

For all of you who have been suffering all winter with terrible snow and cold weather, you will be happy to know we got hit the other day.

Honestly, I don't mind. I am a hardy Canadian girl, after all! And though the weather has been lovely here most of this winter, it has been a strange experience having no snow or cold.

My neighbors have told me that most of the trees around here will put out a second set of leaves if the first ones (which have been out for a while) get damaged by cold and snow. THIS is normal around here- snow after you think spring is safely underway.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that my flowers and bushes make it through this okay, that it just serves as a darn good dousing that we desperately needed.

Heidi was happy about it too- she left for California this morning in shorts, even though it was mighty cold this morning. Now, Heidi says, California will feel like a double getaway- excitement AND warm weather!

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