Saturday, August 16, 2008

Rain, rain, go away

I bet Heidi wished it had come another day... poor girl got properly and thoroughly initiated into marching band today... man, oh, man, we are having rain like we haven't seen here yet!

The band sounded awesome, looked fantastic, and it was VERY exciting to see Heidi marching past in her uniform- even though it was pouring rain and we were also drenched and cold.

I am awaiting her phone call from the school to say she is back and ready to come home. I bet a hot bath and some yummy ho-cho will be just the ticket.

I think this season is going to be great fun watching Heidi perform. What a girl!


Christine Baker said...

Hi Christa!!
I've been thinking about you this summer, wondering how you have been doing in your new life, so I was very excited to stumble upon your blog - it looks to me like you are doing great!! I'm so happy for you!! We miss you! Keep in touch.

Nellie Holmes said...

Heidi looks great! How exciting for her. How is school going for Cloe? We think about you all and miss you.
We'll need a "road trip" to Colorado!

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