Poor Heidi.
It is Spring Break, and she is spending her week on the couch, after having SIX wisdom teeth removed first thing Monday morning. Her appointment was 6:45 am and so she didn't even get to sleep in.
The surgery went well. She had IV sedation like I did, and was pretty darn loopy when I sat with her in the office. In fact, she was pretty darn loopy a lot of the day. Chloe was great about changing out the ice packs, thought we might have a bit of a chance to minimize the swelling. The surgeon said she would have some big swelling because the two extra teeth were WAY up there. And he was right. She did develop some major chippy cheeks yesterday, but they did go down a little by bedtime. Hopefully it will be a little better again today.
Thankfully she was prescribed painkillers which we keep on top of. Her jaw is pretty tender but the incision sites seem to be doing well. She is rinsing with the salt water and though she doesn't like the taste, I happen to know it helps a LOT. Not just because it was in the list of instructions or because I did it last month when it was my turn- but because it was a big cure-all in my Grama's repertoire of home remedies.
I hated to get a sore throat because I knew it meant two things: rinsing and gargling with salt water and having an old sock of my Grandpa's pinned around my neck! lol But I must tell you Grama, if you are listening: it did work, you were right. (Not only about that, but about a lot of things!)
Anyway, yesterday morning when I got up with Rich at 6 am, Heidi was awake and feeling miserable. This morning she was still asleep when I got up, and is still sleeping now. So hopefully this will be a better day for her all around.
I would post a photo but she won't let me. When Heidi was little, she was all eyes and chippy cheeks. So she has reverted for a couple of days...
4 days ago