Well, Halloween is over for another year. We got approximately 30 little ghosts and goblins at the door inside of an hour and that was it for the night. They seemed very excited about the treat bags!
It's still pretty nippy when the sun isn't out, but a lot of the 2+ feet of snow we got this week has melted away already. This is a strange place to be weather-wise sometimes... today we were wearing snow boots for the drifts and puddles and t-shirts because it was just too warm for anything else while the sun was shining! lol
Heidi, Brandon, and Chloe went out together and were gone a long time. They didn't get a whole lot; many people just don't participate in shelling out anymore. So many places do the Trick-or-Treat Street or parties, going trick-or-treating seems like it is becoming a thing of the past.
Chloe carved us another cool pumpkin (she likes the intricate designs and is very patient about doing them) thankfully- we didn't decorate outside because of the abundance of snow.
Edward Scissorhands, Lydia Dietz, and the hippie girl seemed to have a fun night anyways!
4 days ago