Happy Halloween all! We didn't have many Trick-or-Treaters, just 15 (not counting Heidi and Chloe! lol)
Chloe had made plans to go out with friends on her own, but they fell through and so Heidi took her out. The neighborhood was very quiet, but we met a few more neighbors and saw little Izze from across the street, who was dressed up as a ballet cheerleader. lol
Chloe carved pumpkins with her friends yesterday and she did a fantastic job as you can see here. The girls decorated the front of the house with Steve (the big dummy) and Tim (the little one).
Chloe is dressed as an exclamation point- it was Holly's idea.
Tomorrow is November... yikes! Rich and I are heading to Grand Junction to see Becca and I have heard the west of Colorado is simply lovely- I will be armed with my camera for sure!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Posted by me at 9:31 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Works in progress...
Yesterday I finally went to a quilt class here in town. The store is called Fabric Expressions and has a lot of really nice people there. I have been there a few times- they don't have a huge selection of notions, but their fabric selection is great and so is their book selection. Plus they are friendly and helpful, so I like it. It isn't Taylor's- but it is the closest I can get here.
Posted by me at 8:01 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
My Quilt studio
Since the kids have been back in school, I have been trying madly to get things organized so that I could work on setting up my quilt studio, and I have finally done it. These three photos show the room from enough angles that you can see how I did it. I love it! It has a lot of stuff in it, but there is still plenty of space to move around and I can do all of the steps that quilt-making requires in its proper space.
Posted by me at 12:01 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Congratulations to Donna and Paul Taylor, and the fabulous Quiltathon Committee who pulled off a spectacular event and raised a TON of money!
Posted by me at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Circus!
With all of the excitement of the kids' visit last week, I didn't get to blog a very exciting outing we had- to the circus!!!
Posted by me at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Heidi's friends save the day!
As you likely noticed, I had trouble publishing yesterday's post... something with an internet upgrade. ARGGGGHHH!!!!
Posted by me at 7:32 AM 0 comments
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Canadian family and friends! I hope you all had a wonderful time with loved ones. We sure did.

Posted by me at 7:11 AM 3 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Homecoming Dance & Weekend activities
Here is a photo of Heidi and her friends going to dinner before the Homecoming Dance.
Posted by me at 9:43 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Well, we are just coming to the close of our first ever Homecoming- it is really something, that is for sure!
The high school had a whole week of spirit-building activities and pep rallies, and yesterday morning, the local Fox news was at the school to film little segments of some of the groups. The marching band was one of them! Not that you can see much, but if you are interested, you can go to this link:
Click on the Good Day red tab, and from there there is a little photo under the main photo that says "Friday HS Pride- Columbine Rebels". That will pull up a small article with a side bar that has five small photos- click on the fourth photo down to see the marching band- it is a short video. You can see Heidi in it two or three times- she is in the front row with a flute and has a bright green bandana across her forehead. They didn't show much of the band, but it was pretty cool to see her on live TV yesterday just the same!
Last night was the Homecoming football game (which we won 34-14) and Rich, Chloe, and I worked in the pit. The band played the National Anthem, then they played various little ditties throughout the first half from the stands. At halftime, they played just the third song from their show, so I had to snap photos QUICK! lol
Tonight is the Homecoming Dance and Heidi is going with a group of her friends- more on that tomorrow!
Posted by me at 8:24 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The Outdoor Lab girl!
I am back- I just remembered that I forgot to take the photos of Chloe from the other day off of the cameras.
Posted by me at 8:49 AM 0 comments
Playing with the camera
I have to say, playing with a good lens is great fun!
Posted by me at 8:28 AM 0 comments